Business Dictionary :
Banking, Banking Account, Banking Hours, Bank Manager
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Banking : noun : the business of banks
• He is studying banking.
• She has gone into banking. Banking Account : account which a customer has with a bank A Banking Crisis : crisis affecting the banks Banking Hours : hours when a bank is open for its customers • You cannot get money out of the bank after banking hours. NOTE : no plural Bank Manager : noun : person in charge of a branch of a bank • He asked his bank manager for a loan. Bank Note or Banknote : noun : piece of printed paper money • He pulled out a pile of used bank notes. Bank On : verb : to do something because you are sure something will happen • He is banking on getting a loan from his father to set up in business.
• Do not bank on the sale of your house. Bankroll : verb : informal : to pay for or to finance (a project) Bank Statement : noun : written statement from a bank showing the balance of an account Related Links :Bank : NOUN Bank LoanBank AdvanceBank BorrowingBank DepositsCentral BankSavings BankMerchant BankThe High Street BanksData BankBank : VERB BankableBank AccountBank BalanceBank BillBank BookBank ChargesBank ClerkBank DraftBanker : NOUN : 1 Merchant BankerBanker's BillBanker : NOUN : 2 Banker's OrderBanker GiroBanker HolidayBankrupt : NOUN Certificated BankruptDischarged BankruptUndischarged BankruptBankrupt : VERB BankruptcyAdjudication of BankruptDeclaration of BankruptTo file a petition in BankruptFrom Banking to HOME PAGE
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