Business Dictionary :
Banker, Merchant Banker, Bank Giro, Bank Holiday
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Banker : noun : person who is in an important position in a bank
Merchant Banker : person who has a high position in a merchant bank
Banker : noun : generally a bank
Banker’s Bill : order by one bank telling another bank (usually in another country) to pay money to someone
Banker's Order : order written by a customer asking a bank to make a regular payment
• He pays his subscription by banker's order. Bank Giro : noun : GB : method used by clearing banks to transfer money rapidly from one account to another Bank Holiday : noun : a weekday which is a public holiday when the banks are closed • New Year's Day is a bank holiday. Related Links :Bank : NOUN Bank LoanBank AdvanceBank BorrowingBank DepositsCentral BankSavings BankMerchant BankThe High Street BanksData BankBank : VERB BankableBank AccountBank BalanceBank BillBank BookBank ChargesBank ClerkBank DraftBankingBanking AccountA Banking CrisisBanking HoursBank ManagerBank Note (or) BanknoteBank OnBank RollBank StatementBankrupt : NOUN Certificated BankruptDischarged BankruptUndischarged BankruptBankrupt : VERB BankruptcyAdjudication of BankruptDeclaration of BankruptTo file a petition in BankruptFrom Banker to HOME PAGE
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