Business Dictionary :
Bank, Bankable, Bank Account, Bank Balance
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Bank : verb : to deposit money into a bank or to have an account with a bank
• He banked the cheque as soon as he received it.
• Where do you bank?
• Where do you have a bank account?
• I bank at or with Barclays. Bankable : adjective : property or documents which a bank will accept as security for a loan • A bankable paper Bank Account : noun : account which a customer has with a bank where the customer can deposit and withdraw money • To open a bank account
• To close a bank account
• How much money do you have in your bank account?
• She has £100 in her savings bank account.
• If you let the balance in your bank account fall below £100, you have to pay bank charges. Bank Balance : noun : state of a bank account at any particular time • Our bank balance went into the red last month. Bank Bill : noun : GB : order by one bank telling another bank (usually in another country) to pay money to someone US : piece of printed paper money Bank Book : noun : book given by a bank which shows money which you deposit or withdraw from your savings account Bank Charges : plural noun : charges which a bank makes for carrying out work for a customer Bank Clerk : noun : person who works in a bank, but not a manager Bank Draft : noun : order by one bank telling another bank (usually in another country) to pay money to someone Related Links :Bank : NOUN Bank LoanBank AdvanceBank BorrowingBank DepositsCentral BankSavings BankMerchant BankThe High Street BanksData BankBanker : NOUN : 1 Merchant BankerBanker's BillBanker : NOUN : 2 Banker's OrderBanker GiroBanker HolidayBankingBanking AccountA Banking CrisisBanking HoursBank ManagerBank Note (or) BanknoteBank OnBank RollBank StatementBankrupt : NOUN Certificated BankruptDischarged BankruptUndischarged BankruptBankrupt : VERB BankruptcyAdjudication of BankruptDeclaration of BankruptTo file a petition in BankruptFrom Bank to HOME PAGE
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