Business Dictionary :
Bank, Central Bank, Merchant Bank, Data Bank
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Bank : noun : Business which holds money for its clients, which lends money at interest and trades generally in money
• Lloyds Bank
• The First National Bank
• The Royal Bank of Scotland
• He put all his earnings into his bank.
• I have had a letter from my bank telling me my account is overdrawn. Bank Loan or Bank Advance : loan from a bank • He asked for a bank loan to start his business. Bank Borrowing : money borrowed from a bank • The new factory was financed by bank borrowing.
• Bank borrowings have increased.
• Loans given by banks have increased. Bank Deposits : all money placed in banks Central Bank : noun : main government controlled bank in a country which controls the financial affairs of the country by fixing main interest rates, issuing currency and controlling the foreign exchange rate • The Bank of England : central British bank owned by the state which together with the Treasury regulates the nation's finances
• The Federal Reserve Banks : central banks in the USA which are owned by the state and directed by the Federal Reserve Board
• The World Bank : central bank, controlled by the United Nations, whose funds come from the member states of the UN and which lends money to member states Savings Bank : noun : bank where you can deposit money and receive interest on it Merchant Bank : bank which lends money to companies and deals in international finance The High Street Banks : main British banks which accept deposits from and allow withdrawals by individuals Data Bank : store of information in a computer Related Links :Bank : VERB BankableBank AccountBank BalanceBank BillBank BookBank ChargesBank ClerkBank DraftBanker : NOUN : 1 Merchant BankerBanker's BillBanker : NOUN : 2 Banker's OrderBanker GiroBanker HolidayBankingBanking AccountA Banking CrisisBanking HoursBank ManagerBank Note (or) BanknoteBank OnBank RollBank StatementBankrupt : NOUN Certificated BankruptDischarged BankruptUndischarged BankruptBankrupt : VERB BankruptcyAdjudication of BankruptDeclaration of BankruptTo file a petition in BankruptFrom Bank to HOME PAGE
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