A Word A Day : Apocryphal
Wednesday, 6th February 2008 : Today's Word is ...
( Adjective ) Pronunciation : a-pó-kri-f'l
1. probably not true, but widely believed to be true
2. Ecclesiastical: Of or having to do with the Apocrypha
3. Of questionable authorship or authenticity
4. Erroneous, fictitious
5. Related to the Old Testament
Etymology: The term
Apocrypha was coined by the fifth-century biblical scholar St. Jerome.
Apocryphal is a derivative of the word
Apocrypha which means...
• Unauthentic writings: writings or reports that are not regarded as authentic
• Biblical writings of disputed authenticity: books of the Bible that are included in the Vulgate and Septuagint versions of the Christian Bible, but not in the Protestant Bible or the Hebrew canon
• Early Christian writings: a group of Christian writings dating from the early centuries ad that are not...
Middle English apocripha - not authentic, from Late Latin Apocrypha - the Apocrypha, from Greek Apokrupha, neuter pl. of apokruphos, secret, hidden, from apokruptein, to hide away : apo-, apo- + kruptein, kruph-, to hide
SynonymsErroneous, Questionable, fake, counterfeit, doubtful, dubious, equivocal, false, fictitious, inaccurate, mythical, spurious, unauthenticated, ungenuine, unsubstantiated, untrue, unverified, wrongm fictional, legendary, invented, made-up, Uncanonical
AntonymsAuthentic, doubtless, real, true, substantiated
Questionable means open to doubt, disagreement, or challenge - or of dubious morality, honesty, or respectability.
Questioning (adjective) means showing curiosity or inquiring about - or (noun) an inquiry or interrogation.
Contextual Examples:• His books on England are treated with an
apocryphal look by the scholars.
• The story of Noah and the flood is
• Wildly
apocryphal rumors about starvation in Petrograd raced through Russia's trenches.
• He told an
apocryphal story about the sword, but the truth was later revealed.
Related Words: •
apocryphally : Adverb
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