Anagrams of Famous People
Here are some of the funniest and best Anagrams of Famous People ever found. They are mostly well-known amongst anagrammists.
Tim Taylor (Home Improvement)=Mortality
Martha Stewart = rawest math rat
Rossanne Arnold - rare London ass
Adam Sandler - Dream Sandal
River Phoenix - Hip Iron Vexer (as seen in the movie Sneakers)
Jennifer Aniston - fine in torn jeans
Joel Madden (of Good Charlotte) - Jaded Lemon And Jaded Melon
Charles Bronson - Has nobler scorn
Charleton Heston - Heathen Controls
Pauly Shore - Your she-pal
Dennis Rodman: Odd in manners
Dennis Rodman = Demon Innard
Adam Sandler: Darn Sad Male
John Mayer - Enjoy harm
Michael Jordan - major held icon
Drew Carey = Carry Weed
Dennis Rodman= random Dennis Paris Hilton – Hairpin Slot
Charles Manson- Harmless Canon
Princess Diana = end is a car spin
Nicole Kidman: nicknamed oil
Elizabeth the First - zebra teeth are filth
T.S. Eliot - toilets
Bill Gates: gets a bill
Alec Guinness: genuine class
Mel Gibson: Bong Smile
Mel Gibson: Big Melons
Clint Eastwood: Old West Action
Tom Cruise: So I'm Cuter
David Letterman: Nerd Amid Late TV
Howard Stern: Retard Shown
Tyra Banks: Yanks brat
President Clinton of the USA: To Copulate he finds interns
Cindy Crawford: Fry candid crow
Judge Lance Ito: No get Juide, Lad
Here are some of the funniest and best Anagrams of famous people ever found. They are mostly well-known amongst anagrammists.
Whether you are looking for famous people or you are lookingfor someone from your own life you have lost track of alongthe way an internet people search can help. Allyou need to do is visit an online people finder, to get namesaddresses phone numbers and more.
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