Adverb Clauses

In this section, we are going to see two types of Adverb Clauses.

1. Adverb Clauses of Result.

2. Adverb Clauses of Supposition

Let us start with Adverb Clauses of Result.

1. Adverb Clauses of Result

Adverb Clauses of Result are introduced by the subordinating conjunction ‘that’.

In few sentences, the conjunctions‘so’ or ‘such’ may be added.

• They fought so bravely that the enemy was driven off.

The same sentence can be written in different way as follows.

• So bravely did they fight that the enemy was driven off.

In these sentences, ‘how fiercely they fought’ can be answered by the clause ‘that the enemy was driven off.

So that clause ‘that the enemy was driven off’ was the Adverb-Clause of Result.


In the following sentences the adverb-clauses have been colored blue.

• He is such a good man that all respect him.

• A fire raged so strong that London was burnt down.

• The Romans built in such a way that the walls are still standing.

• He spoke in such a low voice that few could hear him.

• So terrible a disease broke out that only few people survived.

• Heavy rain fell that the rivers were soon in flood.

• I was so weak that I could not speak.

• It is so small that no one could see that.

In all these sentences, you could find the result of the first part of the sentence has been presented in the second part of the sentence.

2. Adverb Clauses of Supposition

The Adverb Clauses of Supposition are introduced by the subordinating conjunctions though, although, even if etc…

The Adverb-Clauses of Concession are one and the same as Adverb Clauses of Supposition.


In the following sentences the Adverb-Clauses of Supposition have been colored blue.

Though he is poor, he is honest.

Though the heavens fall, the justice must be done.

Though he scolded me, yet I love him.

Although troops marched all day, they fought bravely all night.

Even if it rains, I shall come.

Go to the section on Simple Sentence to continue

Intermediary Index


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