Adverb Clause of Cause
An Adverb Clause of Cause indicates the cause for which the action of the verb is taken.
Read the following sentence.
• Because he likes his master, he helped his master.
In this sentence, why he helped his master has been answered by the Adverb-Clause ‘because he like his master’.Such an Adverb-Clause may be of Adverb-Clause of Cause or Reason type.
• I did this work, because this work is part of my educational project.
In this sentence, why I did this work has been answered by the adverb-clause ‘because this work is part of my educational project’.
The Adverb-Clauses of Cause or Reason will begin with because, since, as that etc…
In the following sentences the Adverb-Clauses of Cause or Reason have been colored blue.
• I did not buy it because I did not like the look of it.
• Because he is rich, he thinks he can buy all of us juices.
• I am glad that you like this town.
• As he was not there, he spoke to his brother.
• He was very pleased that you got admission in to this university.
NOTEAn Adverb-Clause of Cause and an Adverb Clause of Reason are one and the same. In this same way You can form your own sentences using the Adverb Clauses of Cause.
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