A Contented Mind Is A Perpetual Feast.
A Contented Mind Is A Perpetual Feast. :
We engage ourselves often in the pursuit of pleasures. There is no limit to the pleasures one can have. The more money we have, he more we wish to have. The more happiness we have, the more we want them. But such material pleasures can give us no real and ultimate satisfaction. They can give us only temporary happiness. The very next moment, the happiness lessens and we are again on the lookout for more. But this is not the real purpose of life. For life to become meaningful, we should have real and ultimate contentment. Real satisfaction means the contentment of mind. If the mind is satisfied with what it has, it is happy. Such happiness will be long lasting. It will be ultimate in the sense that it will not wish for anything more. So if one wants to have peace of mind, he should be contented with what he has. Only a contented mind can give continuous and real happiness. Worldly pleasures and comforts only make up a part of the real satisfaction in life. They are not lasting. It is in fact a contented mind that would give us real satisfaction like a perpetual feast.
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