8 Things to Tell Your Children Every Day

8 Things to Tell Your Children Every Day:

8 Things to Tell Your Children Every Day

1. You’re amazing.

This will give them a deep self belief at an early age.

2. I love you.

Knowing they are loved no matter what is crucial.

3. Be kind to people.

Teach them kindness through your actions.

4. That's your decision.

Teach them to be independent and show them the law of cause and effect.

5. Tell me about your day.

Again knowing that you are interested in them makes them feel secure.

6. Manners please.

This is something they should carry through to adulthood and is important from a young age.

7. Be grateful for what you have.

By showing that you are grateful for what you have you pass this on to your children.

8. What would YOU like to do.

Again teaching them to make decisions when they are younger is good, but also showing that compromise needs to happen sometimes.

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