24 Old English Words :
1. Bedward = heading for bed
2. Billingsgate = abusive language and curse words
3. Brabble = to argue loudly about matters of no importance
4. Crapulous = condition of feeling ill as a result of too much eating / drinking
5. Elflock = hair that is tangled, as if it has been matted by elves
6. Erstwhile = things that are not current and that belong to a former time rather like the word itself
7. Expergefactor = something that wakes you up is an expergefactor.
8. Fudgel = the act of giving the impression you are working when really you are doing nothing.
9. Groke = to stare intently at someone who is eating, in the hope that they will give you some
10. Grubble = to feel or grope around for something that you can’t see
11. Hugger-mugger = a fun way to describe secretive or covert behavior
12. Hum durgeon = an imaginary illness
13. Jargogle = to confuse or jumble
14. Lanspresado = a person who arrives somewhere, having conveniently forgotten their wallet or having some other complicated story to explain why they don’t have money with them
15. Mumpsimus = an incorrect view on something that a person refuses to let go of
16. Quagswag = to shake something backwards and forwards
17. Rawgabbit = a person who likes to gossip confidentially about matters that they know nothing about
18. Snollygoster = a person who has intelligence but no principles
19. Snottor = wise
20. Trumpery = Things that look good but are basically worthless
21. Uhtceare = lying awake worrying before dawn
22. Ultracrepidarian = a person who takes every opportunity to share their opinion about things they know nothing about
23. Zwodder = Being in a drowsy, fuzzy state, after a big night out perhaps
24. Cockalorum = A small man with a big opinion of himself
24 Old English Words :
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