Vocabulary Booster
English Vocabulary Index
Vocabulary Booster for 16th July :
Nab (v) : catch suddenly
Nabob (n) : a deputy-governor under the Moghul empire in India
Nag (n) : a small horse
Nag (v) : tease by finding fault
Naiad (n): a water-nymph
Nail (n) : a thin pointed piece of metal for fastening substances, horny scale at the fingers and toes
Naïve (adj.): simple, innocent, artless, not clever
Naïve (adv.) : naively
Naïveté (n); natural simplicity
Naked (adj.) : without clothes, uncovered
Name (n) : the word used to call or identify a person or thing
Namely (adv) : that is to say
Namesake (n) : a person or thing having the same name as another
Nanny-goat (n) : she goat
Nap (n) : a short sleep
Nap (v) : sleep for a while; catch NAPPING
Nape (n) : the back of the neck
Napery (n.) : table cloth
Naphtha (n): a liquid used for burning for cleaning clothes etc.,
Napkin (n) : small cloth for wiping the lips and hands
Narcotic (adj.): inducing sleep or deadening pain
Narrate (n) : narration
Narrate (v) : tell in detail
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