Professional Vocabulary
English Vocabulary Index
Professional Vocabulary for 12th July :
Mope (v) : to be dull
Mopish (adj.) : dull, spiritless
Moraine (n) : rocks and gravel’s on the edge of glaciers
Moral (adj.): that which a story teaches, principles of right and wrong
Morale (n): mental make-up sustaining courage
Morality (n) : moral science
Morals (n) : manners, conduct
Morbid (adj.) : sickly, not healthy
More (adj.) : existing in greater quantity, amount or degree, additional
Moreover (adv.): further, besides in addition
Moribund (adj.) : about to die dying
Morn (n) : the first part of the day
Morning (n) : the first part of the day
Morning star (n): Venus, a bright star seen at the dawn
Morocco (n): a fine leather made from goat skin
Morose (adj.) : sullen, surely, gloomy
Morphia (n) : a drug used to deaden pain or to cause sleep
Morrow (n): after any given day
Morse (n): a code of signals used in signalling and telegraphy
Morsel (n) : a mouthful, a small bit
Mortal (adj.) : subject to death, deadly
Mortality (n): death, death rate, number of death
Mortgage (n) : security for payment of debt or loan
Mortify (v) : humiliate, hurt
Mortise (v & n) : hole in a frame work designed to receive the end of some other part
Mortuary (v) : a room in which dead bodies are kept temporarily
Mosque (n): a place of worship for Muslims
Mosquito (n): a small blood-sucking insect
Moss (n): lichens
Most (adj.): superlative of MUCH and MANY
Most (adv.): superlative of MUCH and MANY
Mostly (adv): in the main, for the most part
Mote (n): a small particle of dust
Moth (n): a sort of winged insect flying at night
Mother (n): the female parent, female head of a religious house, source
Mother-in-law (n) : the mother of one’s husband of wife
Motherland (n): one’s native land
Motherly (adj.): kind, affectionate, characteristic of the mother
Mother-of pearl (n) : the hard shining material which forms inside certain shells
Mother-tongue (n) : one’s native language
Motion (n): movement, change of place, proposal made in an assembly
Professional Vocabulary for 12th July :
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