Good Words
English Vocabulary Index
Good Words for 9th October :
Silt (n) : alluvium, mud or sediment deposited by water as sediment
Sylvan (adj.) : inhabiting woods, pertaining to woods
Sylvan (adj.) : inhabiting woods, pertaining to woods
Silver (n) : a white valuable metallic element
Silver (v) : coat with silver
Silversmith (n) : manufacturer of silver articles
Silver-tongued (adj.) : eloquent
Simian (adj.) : like an ape or monkey
Similar (adj.) : a like resembling
Similarity (n) : likeness, resemblance
Simile (n) : a comparison
Simmer (v) : boil gently with a hissing noise
Simoom (n) : a hot dry wind
Simper (v) : to simple in a silly manner
Simple (adj.) : unmixed, single, plain not complicated, artless, clear
Simpleton (n) : a fool
Simplicity (n) ; the state of being simple, sincerity
Simplify (v) : make simple or easy
Simulacrum (n) : image, likeness
Simulate (v) ; imitate, to make a pretence of
Simultaneous (adj.) : happening at the same time
Sin (n) : a violation of the laws of God, wrong doing
Since (adv.) : from that time, until now, before now
Sincere (adj.) : true, frank
Sinecure (n) : position carrying a salary without work
Sinew (n) : a fibrous cord which fastens muscle to the bones
Sinews (n) : strength, muscles
Sinewy (adj.) : tough, having strong sinews
Sing (v) : utter musical sound
Single (adj.) : only one
Single (v) : choose and pick
Singsong (n) : monotonous voice, bad singing
Singular (adj.) : queer, remarkable, denoting one
Singularity (n) : strangeness, peculiarity
Sinister (n) : malevolent, evil looking
Sink (v) : go downwards (into water or other liquid), immerse, fall, forget, leave off, lay out
Sinuous (adj.) : full of curves
Sip (v) : drink in small quantities
Siphon (n) : a bent tube with unequal arms used for transferring, liquids
Siphon (n) : a bent tube with unequal arms used for transferring, liquids
Sire (n) : a respectful term of addressing a king, father or male ancestor
Siren (n) : a mermaid, hooting instrument
Good Words for 9th October :
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