Wednesday, 14th May 2008 : Today's Word is ...
( Adjective )
Pronunciation : pri-p�n-de-rant
1. Having superior weight, force, importance or influence
2. Greater in number, power or importance than something else of the same nature or class
3. Exercising controlling power or influence
Mid-17th century - Latin praeponderant-, present participle of praeponderare - outweigh - ponderare - weigh
commanding, controlling, dominant, dominating, dominative, governing, paramount, regnant, reigning, ruling, overriding, predominant, predominate, preponderating
lesser, inferior
Contextual Examples:
� Middlemarch' (1872), which is perhaps her masterpiece, it seems to some critics decidedly too preponderant, giving to her novels too much the atmosphere of psychological text-books; and along with it goes much introduction of the actual facts of nineteenth century science.
� And it is in fresh water that we find seven genera of Ganoid fishes, remnants of a once preponderant order: and in fresh water we find some of the most anomalous forms now known in the world, as the Ornithorhynchus and Lepidosiren, which, like fossils, connect to a certain extent orders now widely separated in the natural scale.
Related Words:
� preponderantly : Adverb
� preponderance : Noun
� preponderation : Noun
� preponderate : Verb
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