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Here is Your Word for Today.
April 11, 2008

Friday, 11th April 2008 : Today's Word is ...


( Adjective & Noun )

Pronunciation : �wrthe-d�ks


1. Following the established or traditional rules of a political or religious belief, a philosophy, or a way of life

2. A follower of traditional or established beliefs or rules, or a member of an Orthodox denomination

3. Adhering to the accepted or traditional and established faith, especially in religion

4. Adhering to the Christian faith as expressed in the early Christian ecumenical creeds

5. Of or relating to any of the churches or rites of the Eastern Orthodox Church

6. Of or relating to Orthodox Judaism

7. A member of an Eastern Orthodox church


Late 16th century - Via French orthodoxe and late Latin - Greek orthodoxos - having the correct opinion - doxa - opinion


canonical, received, sanctioned, time-honored, button-down, conformist, conventional, establishmentarian, straight, traditional, accepted, conventional, received, recognized, sanctioned, conservative, right, rightist, right-wing, Tory, traditionalist, traditionalistic, conservative, rightist, right-winger, Tory, traditionalist


heterodox, unconventional, unorthodox, untraditional

Contextual Examples:

� The doctor's treatment for Lou's cold was entirely orthodox: plenty of liquids and aspirin and lots of rest.

� Austin's views were orthodox. There was nothing shocking about any of them.

� The teacher's lectures were characterized by strict adherence to orthodox.

� Green Cheese is an unorthodox explanation for the composition of the moon.

Related Words:

orthodoxly : Adverb

orthodoxy : Adjective

unorthodox : Adjective

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