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Here is Your Word For Today.
February 01, 2008

Friday, 1st February 2008 : Today's Word is ...


( Adjective )

Pronunciation : yoo-fonee-ess

1. having a pleasant sound

2. Pleasing or agreeable to the ear

3. Resembling or having the effect of music, especially pleasing music

4. Characterized by agreeableness of sound

5. (of speech or dialect) pleasing in sound, not harsh or strident


1727, a physician's term for - condition of feeling healthy and comfortable (especially when sick) - from Gk. euphoria - power of bearing easily, fertility - from euphoros lit. - bearing well - from eu- well + pherein - to carry


agreeable, clear, dulcet, harmonious, mellifluous, melodious, musical, rhythmic, smooth, sweet-sounding, tuneful, well-pitched, euphonic, melodic


discordant, hostile

Contextual Examples:

� The opera singer has a very euphonious speaking voice.

� She beacame famous for her sweet and euphonious voice.

Related Words:

Euphoniously : Adverb

Euphoniousness : Noun

Euphony : Noun

Euphoria : Noun

Euphorbia : Noun

Euphonium : Noun

Euphonically : Adverb

Euphonic : Adjective

Euphoriant : Adjective

Euphonize : Verb

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